zerox86 - Main Page

What is zerox86?

zerox86 is a PC emulator for the Game Consoles Worldwide (GCW) Zero handheld game console. Its purpose is to allow you to run old DOS games on your GCW0. It is based on the DSx86 PC emulator for Nintendo DS game console. I began porting DSx86 to GCW0 in May 2013. See my blog for information about the current status of zerox86.

What hardware it emulates?

The current status of the emulation is as follows:

Contact me

If you have any comments or questions about zerox86, feel free to send me email. To avoid spam I don't have a mailto link in here, instead I give you this hint: My email address is simply my first name at my domain name. Domain name meaning "".

Last update dates of all my emulator blogs: